These carts are used to circulate our scientifically formulated descaling chemicals through your heat transfer equipment
to remove limescale, rust deposits and sludge.
It is recommended that circulation under pressure be employed to speed up the descaling process.
Connect the System Descaling cart to the lower inlet piping and return to the circulation tank from the top of the
unit. Circulate the suggested ScaleAway descaler solution for one to four hours depending on the application and amount
of scale to be removed.
Drain and flush the used descaling solution from the descaled heat transfer equipment directly to the sewer with clean
water and reconnect to your cooling tower or water chiller reticulation.
Flushing of the water side of your heat transfer equipment on a regular basis, is a preventative measure to maintain optimum working temperature. This ensures
machine settings are maintained which eliminates down-time on production and minimizes wear and tear on your equipment.
Chemical cleaning with ScaleAway descalers eliminates scale build-up, which is like cholesterol for your water cooled and water heated equipment. In many
instances, the flushing fluid will maintain adequate running temperature of machine during the descaling process.
ScaleAway descalers are specifically formulated to remove scale from water cooled and water heated industrial equipment. These proprietary formulae are combinations
of industrial descalers, corrosion inhibitors, surfactants and dispersants.
Preventative maintenance is so much more affordable than unplanned plant breakdowns and forced shutdowns, that it is hardly worth
taking the gamble and risking your production commitments to your customers that rely on your factory to manufacture
and deliver their commodities on their time schedule.
It makes good business sense to have built-in reliability for your clients by having a proactive preventative maintenance
plan in place throughout your production facilities.
Detailed Descaling Procedures for the System Descaling Cart.
Descaling Chemicals
Biodegradabe Non-toxic Descaler for Potable Water Systems
ScaleAway Lime-Go
Biodegradable Descaler for Industrial Heat Transfer Equipment
Contact us TODAY to purchase industrial grade descaling chemicals or to discuss a water management solution for your specific application!